Lorena Zandonella

"The journey"

28 years of experience in the fashion and cultural world brought together by Lorena in yourcityshopper. A unique collection of experiences particularly tailored for you.

Elevate your style with in&outfit, the magic of tailored fashion experiences with Lorena as your personal shopper in Veneto, Lombardia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna e Trentino Alto-Adige. Whether you're trying to identify your style, revamping your wardrobe or searching for that one-of-a-kind piece, Lorena will help you curate the perfect looks that speak to your essence.
Discover beyond doors, and immerse yourself in the world of fashion and artisanship with my exclusive tours in Venice and Verona. Join Lorena on a captivating journey through hidden boutiques, artisan shops, and cultural gems, gaining a deeper appreciation for the arts while enhancing your personal style.